Utsikt Höga Kusten ©

Creation of the view

Hello and welcome to Utsikt Höga Kusten!

This mountain, Lill-Gälingen, stands 200 meters above sea level, and reaching its peak wasn't always easy. It’s thanks to my daughter Nina that I decided to make it accessible to everyone.

Nina suffered from mental health problems and couldn't walk very far or climb mountains, yet she had a strong desire to reach the top of Lill-Gälingen.

Back in 2014, it was impossible due to an active quarry in the area.

Years went by, but in the autumn of 2017, the quarry operations ceased, providing an opportunity to realize Nina’s dream of making the mountain accessible to everyone.

Tragically, Nina didn’t live to see this dream come true. She passed away in 2016, unable to cope with life.

I was determined to honor her idea, especially since there are few mountains in the High Coast region that are accessible to all.

With the quarry's machinery available during restoration, I hired a contractor to excavate a road up to Lill-Gälingen, naming it Ninavägen in her memory.

I continued the work on my own, removing rocks and transporting gravel with an agricultural tractor and wagon to create the car park and walkways.

By the summer of 2020, I proudly inaugurated this viewpoint, now known as Utsikt Höga Kusten.

The response has been overwhelming, far beyond anything I could have imagined.

If you have any ideas for utilizing the viewpoint or the Skoghalla area, please reach out to me.

Thank you for visiting and honoring Nina’s wish to enjoy this beautiful view!

Sven Sjölander
Contact: www.utsikthogakusten.se